So Van arrived at my house and we were off. First stop Kamas which is the gateway to the uinta mountains. There we fueled up and picked up some chain lube at the local auto parts store. My chain was filthy and also required a few minor tension adjustments. Good thing we are carrying a walmart worth of tools on board.
My youngest son Jonas really wanted to come with us but since he is just barely learning to ride a bike he agreed to let me take along one of his cherished stuffed animals. So the third member of our team is "Cody Maverik" from Surfs Up. So most of my blog photos will include Cody posing while I take the photos. Here is one of Cody sitting on the bike at the Wedge Overlook in the San Rafael swell. Many locals call this Utah's Grand canyon.

On our way down buckhorn wash we stopped to take a look at this massive petroglyph panel. This is considered one of the largest found anywhere in Utah. Definitely the largest I've ever seen.

The most dreaded part of the route today was the crossing at muddy creek. The trail basically goes right across the muddy river and during high waters it can be impassable. If that were the case we would have had to back track 50 miles to get to Hanksville. Luck was on our side after performing some reconnaissance. Here is Van sitting in the middle of muddy creek.

A trip to Hanksville is never complete without a burger and shake from Stans. My kids love this place and so does Cody Maverik

4 advil and a goodnights rest before tomorrows ride over the Henry Mountains and down into Bullfrog basin.
Stay tuned for more adventures from the Utah trail.
love the pictures with Cody. Kinda like "where's Waldo." Keep 'em coming! Be safe!
By most accounts, "playing golf and sipping sodas by the pool," is not necessarily a Watkins tradition, as much as it is human nature. What you are doing is "out there" but very exciting. Just think, you are doing it before it becomes "the next big thing" - Look out cycling, dirt-biking the state is on your heels!
Be safe!
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