With a wetsuit and neoprene socks the water was much warmer than you would expect this time of year.

My fellow adventure seeker father in law "on rappel".

The end of "west fork misery canyon" meets the parunawheap river which is essentially the east fork of the virgin river. The better known Zion narrows are considered the north fork of the virgin. The scenery down here easily rivals the famous Zion narrows. The park service no longer permits people to hike this canyon inside the park boundary. This photo shot is still outside the park boundary. Our miserable steep 1400 ft hike out was just around the corner.
Hope your knees are holding out. Thanks for being at the other end of the rope. Hey, thanks for being roped into an adventure.
wow! Are we really related? I would be scared silly and probably too cold to breathe....but wow, the beauty of Zions. Thanks for taking us along on your adventures.
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