I spent quite a bit of time here before Clinton designated it a national monument. It was much more peaceful back then. You could spend 3 days in a canyon and see no one. Now you have to get a permit to see most of it. If you know where your going, you can still find quiet peaceful places to camp, although it may require a car that can take a beating, like the FJ.

A good Springbar tent has a magical way of putting a smile on a kids face.

Hanging around the campfire at the secret Escalante "wall" camp.

Will "dropping out" of the slot

You know the slot canyon is narrow when Sasha boo barely fits

A nice little evening climb in the rock garden

A truly strange place indeed....

The power of wind is truly amazing!

The sun setting on 50 mile ridge

The kiddoes making their way to our next slot canyon of the trip

Sometimes the anticipation of getting in the slot canyon causes one to run like the wind

Canyoneering often requires you to trudge through bone chilling water. Definitely didn't bother the kids. They had fun throwing mud pies at the wall.

In all of my slot canyon travels, I've never quite encountered one quite like this. Definitely unique for the Colorado plateau. My rookie iPhone photographic skills don't do it justice. See my wife's blog for better photos.

The strange stripes in the canyon wall remind me of a horse-like African animal.

After a hot desert hike, there is nothing quite like a good suck on the camel back and a warm cuddle with a barbie doll.

Preparing for the departure from camp Escalante

Nothing but the finest 5 star amenities in our camp!

As we made our way out of the national monument, I suggested we take a quicker route to avoid getting home too late at night. My adventurous wife talked me into taking the longer route and stopping at another canyon I had never seen before. Needless to say, it was well worth it despite the fact we got home at midnight instead of 5. The scenery was outstanding!