I guess you could call piano playing an adventure of sorts, but probably not exactly as epic as motorcycle riding through rugged Utah! As you might already know, I've been uploading various vocal arrangements and songs I've learned on the piano these past few months. It's quite interesting how many people from around the world have found them and used them in various ways. One individual emailed not too long ago requesting use of my "Louder Than Words" arrangement for a vocal concert. She said her accompanist kept "messing it up".
The embedded video on my blog was recently uploaded that I found particularly interesting. Using recording technology and my piano track, this girl was able to record all the different parts of the song and harmonize. It is from a new musical titled "Next To Normal" by Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey. It's a "rock" style musical very similar to RENT which I also have a great love for.
I list all youtube video responses to my recordings in "my favorites" on my youtube channel. Check them out if you have spare time to kill.
I guess this is my version of watching American Idol since I have actually never watched an entire episode of Idol in my life!
(just a disclaimer, this show has some songs which aren't appropriate for little kids so make sure you don't run out and buy the CD and fire it up in the car on your way to swimming lessons: Most of the songs are just fine however)
9 years ago